Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 11

I DID IT!!! Planned and rode all the way to CO and back by myself!!!
Made it home at 5:30 today. It was a hot ride today mixed with some thunderstorms. A total of 4256 miles, rode in nine different states over 11 days.

I didn't 'find' myself nor am I forever changed. I am still the same old cynical, passionate, energetic smart ass. heh heh I do have some deep thoughts on the ride, though.

Being alone on the road with my bike for that much time was awesome and the scenery was breathtaking. Really, like with anything else, it is about the people. While it was just me with the bike, there were the people that I met along the way, the friends that I looked forward to seeing again and of course, the friends and family that stayed behind, supporting me all the way. So, I was not really alone.

People were genuinely nice and interested. There was the lady that gave me the thumbs up and said "Nice bike." Although, she probably didn't know one bike from another. The sweet cashier in MS, with her southern drawl, "Look at you little lady riding that big ol bike by yourself, aint you sumpin?" A guy that walked by as I was pumping gas and said "I just bought a Road King, I hope to go on trip soon." He wanted me to know that we shared that common bond that only riders understand. When it started raining yesterday in MS and I could not see three feet in front of me and there was no where to pull over, a trucker stayed close behind while others passed me, was he 'watching' out for me until I found a spot? It seemed so. The high fives I received from my VROC Brothers and Sisters at the rally for making the trek alone made me proud. I could go on and on..............

One of the funnier incidents happened today. Just last night over the phone I told Greg that I was road weary and looked that way, too. Today I started in my usual summer riding attire, tank, jeans and tall boots. It was really hot and miserable today. I spent about three hours on I10, shared by many semi trucks. I got off the interstate at one point to get some gas at the Fyling J truck stop. A guy came over after I finished pumping gas and asked me "Would you do us all a favor?" I was thinking he was a panhandler and going to ask for money. "Who is all of us?" I asked impatiently. "Us, truckers" he said "You need to go to the nearest Wal Mart and buy some coveralls." "Why would I do that", I replied. "You are going to make us drive into a ditch because we can't stop looking at you." LOL!! What a nice thing to say, especially when I was not feeling too good about the way I was looking.

Thanks again to those that have followed the blog, I really enjoyed your comments and emails. Susan, (my sister-in-law), you were my biggest fan and the comments you left were always good for a chuckle.

Until the next ride...........peace to you.



  1. Hey, Susan,
    You are awesome to me, and I think that my brother thinks that you are too!!! Those great people you met on your trip are pretty awesome, too, but they are the real people that you meet everyday; for the most part we are all that way and it makes me want to go on a road trip too!!!...just maybe not on a motorcycle! It's wonderful to know that we still live in a great country and know that we've got somebody willing to get our back! Go zmean1! Love you, Susan

  2. A great blog and an awesome summary about riding alone. Hope to see you soon!

  3. Wow Susan, you rock!! I'm glad to see you made it home safely. Great blog!

    Sincerely and with much biker-chick respect,

    Nancy M
